Issue No. 97-17 |
FYI - For Your Information
Date: 5/97
1997 Juvenile Court Blanket Minute
At the request of DCFS, the Presiding Judge of Juvenile Court, the Honorable
Michael Nash, has approved the following blanket minute orders which allow
limited waivers of confidentiality. The following is a summary of those blanket
minute orders:
- Court Tours for Observation and Education
Allows the Department to conduct tours for DCFS employees, service and
placement providers, and other guest.
- Applications to the State Restitution Fund
Authorized DCFS' CSWs to make timely application for Victim-Witness Funds on
behalf of dependent children under its care. It authorizes the release of
relevant DCFS and Juvenile Court case-related information to the District
Attorney's Victim-Witness program.
- Publicity for Location/Identifying Relatives of
Abandoned Infants
Authorizes DCFS to seek and utilize appropriate electronic and print
publicity, in order to locate the parent(s) or relative of any abandoned
infant who is under one year of age in DCFS custody.
- Release of Children's Services Worker's Name and
Telephone Number
Authorizes DCFS to release the name and telephone number of a CSW to a
requesting party without first obtaining a Declaration in Support of Access
to Juvenile Records and Information (DCFS 4389).
- Waiver of Confidentiality for JPTA/SYETP Program
Authorized DCFS to release specific information on selected foster care
children, for the purpose of their participation in the Los Angeles County
JTPA/SYETP youth employment programs.
- Waiver of Confidentiality for Paramount Schools
Authorized DCFS to release specific information on selected children under
DCFS supervision to the Paramount School District, in order to facilitate
administration of a state-funded grant for foster youth.
- Waiver of Confidentiality for Joint Mental Health and
DCFS SAMHSA Assessments
Authorized the exchange and release of specific information regarding
selected foster care children to mental health and contract services
providers for the purpose of their participation in a multi-agency
collaborative program (SAMHSA-funded under AB 3015), on behalf of severely
emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.
- Pre-Adoptive Publicity for Placement of Minors Freed for
Authorized DCFS staff to seek and utilize appropriate electronic and print
publicity to facilitate and assist DCFS' efforts to find suitable adoptive
homes for children under dependency court jurisdiction.
NOTE: This list does not include blanket minute orders
issued at the request of parties other than DCFS.
The following is a list of previous DCFS blanket minute orders which were not
renewed by the Juvenile Court.
- After-Hours Medical Consent and Medical Examinations and
Immunizations for DCFS Minors
Welfare and Institutions Code Section 369 allows DCFS to authorize emergency
medical consent and/or medical examinations an immunizations if the child is
in temporary custody or is under the jurisdiction of the court and the
parent(s) and or legal guardian(s) are unavailable to grant consent or
written consent has been previously obtained. This applies only to
after-hours situations (i.e., 5 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday,
weekends and holidays).
If a child is not in temporary custody or there is no legal reason for the
Department to take that child into temporary custody and the child is not
under the jurisdiction of the court, DCFS has no authority to consent to any
type of treatment to that child. In an emergency situation where the parent(s)
or legal guardian(s) cannot be located, a doctor and or hospital has the
authority to provide treatment (Business and Professions Code Section 2397).
- General Order Authorizing HIV Testing (Applied to children under
the age of 18 months)
To obtain HIV testing for a child under the age of 18 months, CSWs are to
first seek written consent from the child's parent or legal guardian. If
unable to do so, CSWs are to request authorization by way of the DCFS 4225,
Report of Children's Services Worker with Recommendation for Authorization
for Medical Care. Policy regarding children over the age of 18 months
remains unchanged. (See CSWH #HCI 93-04, AIDS/HIV: Testing, counseling and
The release of this FYI cancels FYI 95-01, Authorization to Consent to
Treatment of Minors in Temporary Custody.
BES Contact:
Guy Trimarchi, (213) 351-5733
Paul V. Freedlund, Deputy Director