TOC C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800

Clerical Handbook
Section C600 - Revenue Enhancement

600-0100 Foster Care Hotline
600-0200 Foster Care Library Cancelled
600-0202 Processing Foster Care Vouchers
600-0300 Clerical Process When Notified of a Certified or Decertified Home Within a Foster Family Agency (FFA)   Issued 06/21//12
600-0600 Service Provider Payments
600-0610 Processing Automated Provider Payments System (APPS) Report/Notices
600-0640 Service Provider Payments - Exception Reports
600-0660 Service Provider Payments - Maintenance Tasks
600-0670 Vendor Number Assignment
600-0680 Resource Management Quality Control   Issued 10/18/12
600-0681 Resource Management - Adding or Changing Staff Authorization Privileges on CWS/CMS   Issued 10/18/12
600-0900 State Financial Participation List Clerk
600-1160 Probation Unit Clerk & Search Attach, Assign and Merge Specialist (SAAMS)
600-1170 Eligibility Segment Transfers
600-1200 State Notification of a Facility/Home Closure or a Decrease in Capacity
600-1300 Revenue Enhancement Clerical Warrant Control



TOC C100 C200 C300 C400 C500 C600 C700 C800