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FYI Archive



07-47 New ICWA Forms

Cancellation of the JV-135, Notice of Involuntary

Child Custody Proceedings  for an American Indian Child

07-45 New Adoptive Home Study Requirements

New Realtive and Non-Relative Extended Family

Member Approval Requirements

Use of Restraining Orders in Cases of Domestic Violence 

07-42 Updating CWS/CMS on a Timely Basis
07-41(REV) Mentoring Opportunities For Youth   Cancelled by FYI 09-28 dated 06/09/09
07-41 Mentoring Opportunities For Youth
07-40 Reproductive Health And Parenting Resources For Teens In L.A. County   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0600-507.10, Youth Development: Reproductive Health, dated 01/28/08
07-39 Updating Tribal Addresses in CWS/CMS for ICWA Notices
07-38 (Rev.) Submission of the DCFS 280 When Temporarily Placing a Child in the Home of a Relative or Non-Relative Extended Family Member
07-38 Submission of the DCFS 280 When Temporarily Placing a Child in the Home of a Relative or Non-Relative Extended Family Member   Superceded by FYI 07-38 (Rev.)
07-37 Transportation Requests Minor Mothers    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0300-306.80, dated 3/12/09
07-36 CWS/CMS 6.1 Code Drop
07-35 Presenting Criminal History to the Court (Adoption Home Study)
07-34 Documenting Regional Center Services In CWS/CMS

On-Line Access to the California Department of Child Support Services Web Site

07-32 Child Abduction and the Recovery of an Abducted Child Cancelled by FYI 08-31, Dated 07/07/08
07-31 Participation in Extracurricular Activities
07-30 Los Angeles Dependency Lawyers (LADL)   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0300-506.05, Conversations With Attorneys And Other Non-DCFS Court Staff, dated 10/01/07
07-29 New Vaccines and Immunizations
07-28 Court Orders and Team Decision Making (TDM)
07-27 New Kinship KEPS (Kinship, Education, Preparation and Support) Providers
07-26 APPS99 1.5.2 for eCAPS Implementation
07-25 Recording CSW Contacts in the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS)
07-24 WIC 241.1 Dual Jurisdiction (300/602) Pilot Project
07-23 Process for Setting up Real Time Captioning for Court Appearances
07-22 Obtaining Birth Certificates
07-21 New Service Provider For Process Services Personal Delivery of Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) Hearing Notices
07-20 Master Index of Currently Published Forms
07-19 Relative And Non-Relative Extended Family Member
Approvals: Some Frequently Asked Questions
07-18 Maintaining Accurate Case Record Information
07-17 Notice of Hearing on Petition
07-15 Probate Guardianship Cases are not Subject to Concurrent Planning Assessments
07-14 Optimistic Concurrency
07-13 Annual $100 Supplemental Clothing Allowance
07-12 Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (KIN-GAP) Program Enhancements
07-11 (Rev.) JV-290, Caregiver Information Form
07-11 JV-290, Caregiver Information Form   Superceded by FYI 07-11 (Rev.)
07-10 Teen Parents In Foster Care:New Laws Regarding Visits   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-510.40, dated 1/28/08
07-09 Teen Parent’s In Foster Care Special Projects Coding    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-510.40, dated 1/28/08
07-08 Notification of Affirmative Action/Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator Change    Cancelled by FYI 10-08, dated 02/01/10
07-07 Foster Youth Substance Abuse Services Pilot Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0600-508.00 dated 03/20/08
07-06 A New Needs and Services Plan Form Being Piloted
07-05 CWS/CMS Procedures for Referrals on Previously Adopted Children
07-04 State Program Improvement Plan Parent and Foster Parent Survey
07-03 Adoption CSW’s can now Obtain Bus Passes/Tokens in Their Regional Offices
07-02 Informing the Foster Family Agency (FFA) of Adoptive Placement

DCFS ECAPS Access and Login Procedures   Revised 03/15/11

eCAPS Procurement User Registration Form

eCAPS User Agreement Form

eCAPS User Modification Form

Creating and Using the Password Hint Feature in ECAPS


DCFS ECAPS Access and Login Procedures

eCAPS User Agreement

ECAPS User Modification Form

Creating and Using the Password Hint Feature in eCAPS



Recording “Time To Investigation” Information Into CWS/CMS   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0400-503.05, Standards for Documenting Contacts, dated 01/11/07

06-56 The Filing of Petitions
06-55 Visitation Requirements Cancelled by FYI 09-08 dated 02/12/09
06-54 Notice of Hearing on Petition – WIC 361.5(b) Notification
06-53 Obtaining Searches on the Parent Locator System
06-52 Partnering With all Relevant Stakeholders to Achieve Timely Permanency for Children in Out-of-Home Care
06-51 WIC 388 Petitions
06-50 Use of Unauthorized Forms Cancelled by FYI 09-04 dated 02/04/09
06-49 State Program Improvement Plan Parent and Foster Parent Survey
06-48 Incorporating SDM into Court Reports

Educational Records Blanket Order  Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-500.10, dated 04/21/08

06-46 Adoptive Placements of DCFS Supervised Children in Mexico
06-45 Process Service County Wide Rollout – Personal Delivery of TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) Hearing Notices Cancelled by FYI 07-21, dated 07/03/07
06-44 Sending and Requesting Closed Cases to and From Storage
06-43 Interagency Placement Screening Committee
06-42 Back-to-School Clothing Allowance (BTSCA)

Procedures for Placing Children Age 3 and Younger (Revised)  Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0200-507.10, Identifying a Prospective Adoptive Family for a Child Through the Placement and Recruitment Unit (PRU), dated 06/18/07

06-40 Electronic Case Transfer: Special Assignments

Educational Case Planning   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-500.10, dated 04/21/08

06-38 White Mail Boxes at Children’s Court for Dropping Off Court Reports Cancelled by FYI 08-26, dated 06/09/08

California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Update to FYI 04-10, What CSWs Need to Include in Court Reports Regarding a Child’s Education  Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-500.10, dated 04/21/08

06-36 Authorizing Employees to Send and Request Closed Cases and Documents to and From Storage
06-35 SDM Risk Assessment Completion on Unfounded Referrals to Support First Five Implementation of Partnership for Families Initiative   Obsolete
06-34 Updated Guidelines On Communicating With The Juvenile Court On The Orthodontia Needs of DCFS-Served Children
06-33 Legal Permanency For All Children in Care   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0080-507.20, dated 12/13/07
06-32 APPS 99 1.5.0 for eCAPS Implementation
06-31 In re Gina S – Inspection of Juvenile Records Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0500-501.10, dated 12/31/07
06-30 Criminal Clearance Tracking System (CCTS) Implementation
06-28 The DCFS 280 and 709 are Now on CWS/CMS
06-27 Factors to Consider When Referring Cases to the Indian Child Welfare Unit   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 1000-504.10 06/01/06
06-26 (Rev.) Notice to Relative Caregivers Re: Funding Options for Relative Caregivers
06-26 Notice to Relative Caregivers Re: Funding Options for Relative Caregivers  Superceded by FYI 06-26 (Rev.) 05-08-06
06-25 Department-Wide Rollout of Concurrent Planning Redesign
06-24 Live-Scanning 18 Year Olds Under DCFS Supervision Who Are Residing In Out-of-Home Care
06-23 Supplemental Clothing Allowance
06-22 Revision of Work Order for Youkim Investigations Personal Service for WIC 366.26 Hearings
06-21 When To End A Placement Episode –Update To FYI 05-39
06-20 Structured Decision Making (SDM) Alignment With Court Report Due Date

06-19 (Rev.)

Notification of Coordinator Change Division 21 Regulations  Cancelled by FYI 07-08 4/24/07


Civil Rights for DCFS Clients  Superceded by FYI 06-19 (Rev.) 07-05-06

06-18 Hurricane Katrina Evacuees Living in California Documentation in CWS/CMS
06-17 Mandatory Use of the JV-365 When Recommending Emancipaation
06-15 The New Medical HUB System is Now Operational Countywide
06-13 Telephone Access Rights of Children and Youth in Foster Care
06-12 Use of the Structured Decision Making (SDM) Safety Plan   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0070-548.25 dated 03/18/09
06-11 Notice of Report to the Child Abuse Central Index (CACI)
06-10 Child Abuse and Reporting Act: (CANRA)
06-09 Update to FYI 05-59, Runaway and Child Abduction Procedures
06-08 Integrated Financial System (IFS) – Child Support Module Upgrade
06-07 Revision #2) Wraparound Services
06-07 Revised Wraparound Services    Superceded by FYI 06-07(Revision #2)) 03-02-06
06-07 Wraparound Services    Superceded by FYI 06-07(Rev) 01-30-06
06-06 Completing Applicant Assessment for Attached Applicant Residing Outside Los Angeles County
06-05 Administration of Emergency Medical Assistance and Injections for Severe Diabetic Hypoglycemia and Anaphylactic Shock and Subcutaneous Injections of Other Prescribed Medication to a Foster Child
06-03 DCFS 1696, F-Rate & Regional Center (ARM) Rate Indicators
06-02 Appropriate Educational and Foster Placements for Children with Exceptional Needs    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-500.10, dated 04/21/08
06-01 Documentation of Contacts in Court Reports


05-62 New F-Rate Assessment Form
05-61 Point of Engagement (POE)
05-60 Family Preservation Referrals
05-59 Runaway and Child Abduction Procedures See FYI 06-09, for update to this FYI
05-58 Not released
05-57 Transportation Requests to Bring Children to Court   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0300-306.80, dated 3/12/09
05-56 (Rev.) Searching and Entering Education Provider (School) Information with The CWS/CMS 5.5.Code Drop   Cancelled by FYI 08-04., dated 10/22/08
05-56 Searching and Entering Education Provider (School) Information with The CWS/CMS 5.5.Code Drop  Superceded by FYI 05-56(Rev) 12-01-05
05-55 Revision of the DCFS 280, Technical Assistance
Action Request Re: Sibling Placements
05-54 Referrals to the Asian Pacific Program    Cancelled by FYI 08-57, dated 12/08/08
05-53 DCFS 4225, Report of Children’s Social Worker with Recommendation of Authorization for Medical Care
05-52 Unattached Applicant- Deferral of Assessment and Placing a Hold on Matching Efforts
05-51 Requesting Transportation of a Youth in Probation Custody to Dependency Court    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0300-306.80, dated 3/12/09
05-50 Services Provided by Glass Group Homes and the Pride Foster Family Agency
05-49 County Counsel’s Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Notice Program
05-48 Search for Prior Child Protective Services on CWS/CMS for Prospective Relative and Non-Relative Extended Family Members
05-47 Continuance Requests
05-46 Not released
05-45 Placement and the Child’s HIV Status
05-44 Introduction of the New Kinship Support Division
05-43 Attaching Quarterly Reports From Foster Family Agencies (FFAs) and Group Homes to Court Reports
05-42 IN RE: Wilford J. – Notice of Hearing on Petition
05-41 Voluntary Placement
05-40 The Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63)
05-39 When to End a Placement Episode Superceeded by FYI 06-21 03-29-06
05-38 DCFS Procedures for the Rest Assured Program
05-37 Statewide Children’s Services Inter-county Transfer Protocol   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 1000-504.75, Inter-county Transfer (ICT) 04/20/06
05-36 Guidelines on Communicating with the Juvenile Court on the Orthodontia Needs of DCFS-Served Children    Superceeded by FYI 06-34  07-05-06
05-35 Providing Services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth and Families
05-34 California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) and Live Scan Clearances
05-33 Continuing Efforts to Achieve Legal Permanency for Children in Long Term Foster Care
05-32 Multidisciplinary Assessment Team (MAT) Comprehensive Assessments
05-31 Updated DCFS 5557, TILP Transmittal and Supplement
05-30 Children’s Advocacy Center of Pomona (CAC)
05-28 Foster Youth Self Administration of Medication at School
05-27 Mandated Reporter’s Web-Site
05-26 Adoptions Integrated System (AIS) Adoptions Caseload Reports Module Implementation
05-25 Concurrent Planning Permanency Log
05-24 Supplemental Clothing Allowance
05-23 Communication with the Medical Director

05-22 Rev.

New Medical Hub System      Superceeded by FYI 06-15 (02/21/06)
05-22 New Medical Hub System              Cancelled by FYI 05-22 Rev. (6-15-05)
05-21 Cross Reporting Responsibilities When New Information is Received After Closing a Referral
05-20 Use of the Investigation Narrative Template   Cancelled 10/04/05 Procedural Guide 0070-548.10
05-19 Voluntary Relinquishments
05-18 Specialized Care Increment (SCI) – D-Rate   Effective 4-1-05
05-17 (Rev.) Required Consultations With Public Health Nurse (PHN) and/or Medical Placement Unit (MPU)
05-17 Required Consultations With Public Health Nurse (PHN) and/or Medical Placement Unit (MPU) Cancelled by FYI 05-17 (Rev) 5/10/05
05-16 Placing Children 36 Months and Younger
05-15 New JADE and JAI Access Requirements
05-14 Shelter Care System (SCS) Implementation Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0300-306.80, dated 3/12/09
05-13 Abducted and Runaway Kids System (ARKS) Web-Site (Update)   Cancelled by Procedural Guidess 0300-503.55 and 1200-501.20 06/01/06

Documentation of Educational and Mental Health Needs     Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-500.10, dated 04/21/08

05-11 Preparing the Blue Adoption Folder Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) Packet)
05-10 (Rev) Sending And Retrieving Administrative Records (Non-Case Records) From Storage 
05-10 Sending And Retrieving Administrative Records (Non-Case Records) From Storage    Replaced by FYI 05-10 (Rev) 7/20/06
05-09 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)  How to Request Access to Protected Health Information    Cancelled by 0600-500.20, Protected Health Information: Access and Sharing, dated 11/12/08
05-08 Revision of the DCFS 709, Foster Child’s Needs and Case Plan Summary
05-07 Alternative Response Services
05-06 Permanency Partners Program (P3)
05-05 Notice Of Involuntary Child Custody Proceedings For An Indian Child (JV 135)

Guidelines for DCFS Employees Adopting Children Under DCFS Supervision  Cancelled by Procedural Guide 1200-500.70  06/15/06

05-03 Structured Decision Making (SDM) Update

Amendments to the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA)

05-01 The Teen Parents in Foster Care Act of 2005   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-540.10, dated 1/28/08
04-44 (Revised) Structured Decision Making (SDM): Opening Very High Risk and High Risk Referrals   Cancelled by SDM, 0070-548.24


04-44 Structured Decision Making (SDM): Opening Very High Risk and High Risk Referrals   Cancelled by 04-44 Revised
04-42 Leaving a Child With a Relative
04-41 Caregiver’s Choice on Conducting an Adoption Home Study Assessment
04-40 Notifying Children of Sensitive Information Contained in Court Reports
04-39 Notifying the Court of What Foster Care Rate a Child Is Receiving
04-38 Non-Detained Petitions
04-37 Foster Family Agency and Group Home Incident Tracking (ITRACK) Version 2.0 Implementation

Procedures for Placing Children Age 3 and Younger   Cancelled by FYI 06-41 08/15/06

04-35 DCFS Transplant Protocol
04-34 DCFS Children On Anti-Depressants
04-33 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding NonPublic Schools

Parent's Visits Prior To The Detention Hearing  Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0400-504.00 dated 04/09/09

04-31 Who Has The Educational Decision Making Rights For A Child    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-507.10, Appointment of Responsible Adult or Educational Surrogate Parent for the Purpose of Making Educational Decisions 09/21/06
04-30 Revision Of The DCFS 179
04-28 2004 Back-To-School Clothing Allowance (BTSCA)
04-27 ICWA Notice to the Secretary of the Interior
04-24 Emancipation Services/Independent Living Program (ES/ILP) Service Tracking Application Implementation
04-22 Notice Requirements For Jurisdictional/Disposition Hearings
04-21 DCFS Alcohol and Drug Testing Services
04-20 Quality Of Life Issues Welfare And Institutions Code Section 362.05    Cancelled by Policy Guide 0100-570.05

Educational Stability New Legal Requirements In 2004    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-500.10, dated 04/21/08

04-18 The Policy Section Is Moving
04-17 Safe Surrender Policy Update   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0070-520.10, Safely Surrendered Babiies (SSB), dated 08/04/06
04-16 Anti-Depressant Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors (SSRI's)
04-15 Foreign Consulate Identification Cards
04-14 SOC 820, Notice Of Child Custody Proceeding For An Indian Child (Juvenile Court)
04-13 Independent Living Program (ILP) Eligibility Guidelines
04-12 ASFA Section Assumes Responsibility For Initial Assessments Cancelled
04-11 Implementation Of The Family Strengths And Needs Assessment (FSNA)

What CSWs Need To Include In Court Reports Regarding A Child's Education

Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-500.10, dated 04/21/08

04-09 Change In The Timeframe For Publication For WIC 366.26 Hearings
04-08 Integrated Financial System (IFS) - Child Support Module Implementation 

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. Creating a Child Support Referral Online In IFS

04-07 Cancellation Of The DCFS 180, DCFS 181 And DCFS 182
04-06 Rights of Children In Out-of-Home Placement Update Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0070-520.10, Safely Surrenndered Babies (SSB), dated 08/04
04--05 Extension Of Interim Agreement Regarding Medi-cal Inter-County Transfers (ICTs)   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 1000-504.75, Inter-county Transfer (ICT) 04/20/06
04-04 Health And Education Passport (HEP) Delivery Date Documentation In CWS/CMS  (Revised 05/04) Cancelled By Procedural Guide 0080-505.20, dated 8/24/23
04-03 ASFA Policy Update
04-02 AB 636 CWS/CMS Data Entry
04-01 Family and Children's Index (FCI) Inquires


03-72 New Notice Requirements (Cancelled, Effective 04/13/04)
03-71 Rate Assessment Referrals
03-70 Tutoring Resources
03-69 Revised DCFS 724, Placement Assessment
03-68 Informing the Court of a Parent's Compliance with Juvenile Court Orders
03-67 Contact Requirements Between CSWs and Clients   Cancelled by Procedural guide 0400-503.10 datted 12/21/09
03-66 Continuation of AFDC-FC for Youth Over 18 Years of Age   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-535.40 06/01/06
03-65 Spanish Translation of Revised Personal Rights
03-64 Structure Decision Making (SDM) Update   Cancelled by SDM, 0070-548.24
03-63 Spanish Version of Brochure Important Information for Caregivers
03-61 Compromise of Child Support Arrears
03-60 CWS/CMS Templates of SOC 815, SOC 817, and SOC 818 and Revised Title 22 Regulations (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10 Effective 10/08/04)

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. Title 22, Article 3, Regulations:  Foster Family Homes (New Revision),

03-58 Respite Care Update
03-57 In Re C.D. Notice Provisions Under the Indian and Children Welfare Act (ICWA)   Cancelled, Effective 04/13/04)
03-56 Inter-County Transfer Eligibility Functions
03-55 Revised Personal Rights Note:  DCFS 5650, "Personal Rights" is attached to this FYI

(Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10, Effective 10/08/04)

03-54 Family Maintenance Services for Both Court and Voluntary Cases
03-53 Initial Case Plan
03-51 Exemptions for Relatives, Non-Relative Extended Family Members and Prospective Guardians with Criminal Record Histories (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10, Effective 10/08/04)
03-50 Monitor's Instructions    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0400-504.00 dated 04/09/09
03-49 Revision of the DCFS 230, Request for Verification/Certification of Evidence

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. DCFS 230 - Request for Verification/Certificate of Evidence

03-47 Maintenance of Bus Passes, Tokens, and Coupons - Reminder
03-46 Selecting the Appropriate Services Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0080-506.10, dated 07/23/08
03-45 Revision to the Structure Applicant Family Evaluation (SAFE) Assessment Tool
03-44 Investigation of Independent Adoption Petitions Filed by Out-of-State Residents
03-43 Removal Order:  Incarcerated Parent In a Federal Facility   (Cancelled by PG 0300-306.45 dated 11/04/03)
03-42 Removal Order:  Incarcerated Parent in a County/Local Jail (Cancelled by PG 0300-306.45 dated 11/04/03)
03-41 Removal Order:  Incarcerated Child in a County Probation Facility    (Cancelled by PG 0300-306.45 dated 11/04/03)
03-40 Locating Parties Who Require Notice and Are Incarcerated in State, Out-of-State or Federal Custody
03-39 Alleged Fathers:  Notice and Waiver
03-37 Discontinuation of AD 42R, Agency Adoption Program - Individual Case Report
03-36 Advising and Providing Services to Parents Prior to Accepting a Statement of Understanding and Relinquishment Document
03-35 Non-Related Guardianship from Probate Court:  Case Plans   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0080-502.15 dated 09/02/09
03-34 Due Diligence for Status Review Hearings
03-33 Completing the Emancipation Process Providing Youth with Digital Photographs
03-32 Concurrent Planning:  Obtaining Family History Information
03-31 Concurrent Planning:  Criteria for the Concurrent Planning Assessment
03-30 Completing the Emancipation Process Continuation of Medi-Cal for Emancipated Foster Youth Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-535.60, Completing the Emancipation Process, dated 11/06/06

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. MC 250A - Application and Redetermination Statement of Facts...

03-29 Court Reports for Children Under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)   Cancelled By FYI 04-14, Effective 03/04
03-28 Conversation With Outside Counsel and Other Non-DCFS Court Staff
03-27 Adoption of DCFS-Supervised Children by DCFS Employees
03-25 Compromise of Child Support Cancelled by PG 1200-500.60
03-24 Requesting Goods and Services for Relative Approvals
03-22 Introducing  the New DCFS 730 Health and Education Passport Binder Table of Contents   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-510.61 dated 3/16/07

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. DCFS 730,  Health and Education Passport Binder Table of Contents

03-21 Relative Approval Monitoring
03-19 Guidelines for Completion of the DCFS 709, Foster Child's Needs and Case Plan Summary

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. DCFS 709 - Placement Disclosure Checklist

03-18 Medi-Cal:  Continuing Eligibility for Children (CEC) Program When Leaving Foster Care and Returning Home
03-17 SOC 815, Approval of Family Caregiver Home, Now Available on CWS/CMS  Note:  "Regulations:  Foster Family Homes" is attached to this FYI - Cancelled by FYI 03-60, 09/18/03, (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10, Effective 10/08/04)
03-15 Abducted and Runaway Kids System (ARKS) Web-Site    Cancelled by FYI 05-13 , Effective 3/8/05
03-14 Operational Agreement Between DCFS, Probation and Attorneys Representing Juvenile Court Youth to Prevent Detention Bias for Dependent Children Who Have Been Arrested
03-13 Integrated Financial System (IFS) Implementation  Note:   "Creating a SSI/SSA Referral Online in IFS" is attached to this FYI
03-11 Continuation of Medi-Cal for Emancipated Youth    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-535.60, Completing the Emancipation Process, dated 11/06/06
03-10 Contact Information for Caregivers
03-09 Updates to LAKids Intranet January and February 2003
03-08 Overview of Wraparound and Children's System of Care Services - Note:  This FYI contains the following items: a memo from Maryam Fatemi dated 04/10/03; Attachment I, Wraparound and SOC Programs; and Attachment II, Roster and Contact Numbers
03-07 Filing a Child Abduction Report Report and a Missing Person Report with Law Enforcement
03-06 Use of Alternative Ground Transporation by DCFS Travelers on County Business
03-05 Required Justification for Emergency Travel Request
03-04 SOC 815 Approval of Family Caregiver Home    Cancelled by FYI 03-17, 04/29/03
03-03 CLETS And CACI   (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10 and 0100-520.70, Effective 10/08/04)
03-02 Revised SS 8583, Child Abuse Investigation Report Now Available On CWS/CMS
03-01 Structured Decision Making (SDM) POLICY REVISIONS


02-50 Requesting FBI Clearances & Subsequent Notification From the Department  Of Justice for Relatives & Non-Relative Extended Family Members  (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.70, Effective 10/08/04)
02-48 Martin Luther King (MLK)/Drew Pediatric HUB-Early Assessment Team 
02-47 Appointment of Foster Parents to Make Educational Decisions   Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0700-507.10, Appointment of Responsible Adult or Educational Surrogate Parent for the Purpose of Making Educational Decisions 09/21/06
02-46 Releasing DCFS Case Records to Service Providers 
02-45 Revised Caregiver Approval Requirements:
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  DCFS 725 - Corrective Action Plan
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  DCFS 726 - Alternative Plan
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  SOC 815 - Approval of Family Caregiver Home
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  SOC 817 - Checklist of Health & Safety Standards for Approval of
           Family Caregiver Home
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.   SOC 818 - Relative or Non-Relative Extended Family Member Caregiver
           Assessment   (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10, Effective 10/08/04)

Revision of the DCFS 5205B, Emancipation Preparation Goal Contract

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. DCFS 5205B - Emancipation Preparation Goal Contract

Cancelled By Procedural Guide 0080-505.10, Dated12/08/06

02-43 Good News on TILP Use & Cancellation of Related Forms     Cancelled by Procedural Guides 0100-535.12 , dated 10/19/06 and 0100-535.30, dated 10/23/06

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  DCFS 5557 - TILP Transmittal & Supplement 
02-42 Child Abduction Multi-Disciplinary Team
02-41 In Re Courtney P. Notice Requirements for Status Review Hearings   (Cancelled, Effective 04/13/04)
02-40 Ambers Alerts   (Cancelled by FYI 19-17).
02-39 Placement Checklist with Emphasis on Health & Education Passport (HEP) & Binder/Caregivers Checklist for the Child's Health & Education Passport Binder (HEP Binder)     Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0100-510.61 dated 3/16/07

Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. DCFS 5660 -  Placement Checklist with Emphasis on the Health & Education Passport
            (HEP) & HEP Binder  (side 1 )
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  DCFS 5660 - Caregivers Checklist for the Child's Health & Education Passport
            Binder (HEP Binder)  (side 2)
02-38 Window Safety Bars
02-37 Revised Pool Safety Standards
02-36 Adoptions & Safe Families ACT (ASFA) and AB 1695 Inspection & Evaluation of Approved Relative & Non-Relative Extended Family Member Homes   (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10, Effective 10/08/04)
02-35 Donations To The Department Of Children & Family Services
02-34 Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) Payments for Federally Eligible Children Receiving Supplemental Security Income
02-33 Rights To Children in Out-Of Home Care Placement
02-32 Updates To LAKids Intranet - July
02-29 Updates To LAKids Intranet - June
02-28 Transfer of Custody from DCFS to Probation Contact Sheet
02-27 Revision Of The SS 8583, Child Abuse Investigation Report   (CANCELLED)

Revised Health Care Examination Forms:  
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. Medical Examination Form  
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments. Dental Examination Form
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  Psychological/Other Examination Form

Cancelled By Procedural Guide 0080-505.20, dated 8/24/23

02-25 Back-to-School Clothing Allowance Schedule Dates
02-24 Placement Packets: Need For DCFS & Revised DCFS 280
02-23 Out of District Notification
02-22 Updates To LAKids Intranet
02-21 MacLaren Children's Center Admission Policy Update
02-20 Interim Special Payment Requests To Assist Caregivers' Meeting Approval Standard -CANCELLED-Replaced by PG 0100-520.09
02-18 Updates To LAKids Intranet
02-17(REV) Employee Assistance Program  Updated contact number on 12/21/11
02-17 Employee Assistance Program
02-14 Updates To LAKids Intranet
02-13 Live Scan Clearances for Relative Placements CANCELLED-Replaced by Procedural Guide 0070-561.10, Live-Scan & California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) Clearances
02-12 Denying the Relative Placement
02-11 Cancellation of the DCFS 4370, Waiver of Notice of Hearing & DCFS 4370s, Renuncia de Aviso de Audiencia
02-10 Supplement Clothing Allowance
02-09 Updates to LAKids Intranet
02-08 Quality of Life Standards for Children in Out-Of Home Care
02-07 Relative Placement Monitoring Section
02-06 Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP)
02-05 Revision Of The DCFS 280 Technical Assistance Action Request.
Click when you see this icon.  It Indicates there are corresponding attachments.  DCFS 280 - Technical Assistance Action Request
02-03 New Case-Specific Forms In CWS/CMS!!!  (12 page document)
02-02 Updates To LAKids Intranet
02-01 Updates To LAKids Intranet


01-58 Court Orders Re:  Photo Identification of DCFS Children - This FYI is Cancelled By PG 1200-500.50
01-57 CWS/CMS Case Closure Procedure For Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-Gap) Program Participation
01-55 Updates to LAKids Intranet
01-54 Conducting Face to Face Contacts with Children in Private   Cancelled by Procedural guide 0400-503.10 datted 12/21/09
01-53 Over One Year Mileage Claim Policy
01-52 Citations and Subpeonas    Canceelled by Procedural Guide 0500-501.35, Responses To Subpoenas ,dated 09/01/06
01-51 New List Of Travel Agencies
01-50 Updates To LAKids Intranet
01-49 F-Rate Process   Cancelled by Prodedural Guide 0900-522.11, Specialized Care Increment (SCI) - F-Rate, dated 09/19/07
01-48 Updates To LAKids Intranet
01-47 Safe at Home California Confidential Address Program
01-46 Birth Parent Information Regarding Foster Care Payments or Adoption Assistance Program Payments for his or her Biological Child
01-45 Updates To LAKids Intranet
01-43 Department Of Children & Family Services Office Of The Ombudsman
01-42 Non-Related Legal Guardians (Probate Court)    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0080-502.15 dated 09/02/09
01-41 Maintaining the Confidentiality of a Child's Placement
01-40 Back-To-School Clothing (BTSC) Allowance Schedule Dates
01-39 Updates To LAKids Intranet
01-38 Primary Language Identification
01-37 Updates To LAKids Intranet
01-36 Single Index
01-35 Reminder: Communication Between CSW's   Cancelled by Procedural Guide  1000-504.10 (02/24/05)
01-34 Communications With County Counsel
01-32 Updates To LaKids Intranet
01-30 Is This A Psychotropic Medication?
01-27 Team-Based Decision Making Process For Investigating Involving Out-Of-Home Care Placement Providers
01-26 Communications With A Child's Attorney
01-24 Updates To Lakids Intranet
01-23 Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children:  Placements in Arkansas
01-22 On Demand Drug Testing (Very Important)
01-20 Supplemental Clothing Allowance
01-19 Safe Arms For Newborns Law    (Cancelled)
01-17 Revised Definition of "Relative" For Payment and Placement Purposes
01-16 Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP)     (Cancelled)
01-15 Soliciting Foster Homes
01-14 Updates to LAKids in the month of January 2001
01-13 Interviewing Collateral Contacts
01-12 Timely Responses to Referrals Regarding Children in Private Hospitals
01-11 In Re Steven H - Notice Requirements for WIC 366.26 Hearings
01-10 MacLaren Children's Center Statistical Reporting (MSR)
01-09 Procedural Changes for Amended Petitions
01-08 Pool Safety Standards
01-07 Funeral, Burial and Cremation Costs See Procedural Guide 0900-513.10, Funeral, Burial & Cremation Costs
01-06 Child Safety Prior To Placement
01-03 Siblings of Children in Out-of-Home Care (AB1987) - This FYI is Cancelled By PG 0300-308.05 and 0300-503.15
01-04 Important Information on Scholarship Assistance for Foster Youth
01-01 Updates To Lakids Intranet


00-83 Training Requirement To Promote To Children's Social Worker III
00-82 Postadoption Contact Agreements
00-81 Important Information On Housing Funds For Emancipated Foster Youth
00-80 Children's Institute International Continues to Provide Assessment Services for DCFS-Served Children and Families
00-79 California State Ombudsman for Foster Care
00-78 Statewide Registry for Probate Non-Related Legal Guardians Registration Form
00-77 Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) Program - Changes Effective July 10, 2000
00-74 Provision of Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope
00-73 Updates to LAKids Intranet
00-72 Early Intervention for At-Risk Youths by Court-Appointed Special Advocates
00-71 Notification of Case Transfer    Cancelled by Procedural Guide 1000-504.10 (02/24/05)
00-70 Ensuring Quality Psychological Testing for Children
00-69 Cash Donations to DCFS      Cancelled by FYI 08-06, dated 1/22/08
00-68 Notice Requirements when Parental Rights are Terminated
00-67 Update to FYI 00-46 - MacLaren Children's Center / Judicial Oversight
00-66 Updates to LAKids    (Cancelled by PG 0100-520.10, Effective 10/08/04)
00-65 Communication with Regional Center
00-64 Revised/Cancelled Adoptions Forms
00-63 Obtaining Searches on the Parent Locator System
00-62 Copies of Notice of Hearings for Attorneys (If prompted for a password, just press Cancel)
00-61 2000 Charitable Giving Campaign Update
00-60 Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP)
00-59 DCFS Drug Testing Program Procedure
00-58 A Photo History for Children in Placement - Update to FYI 99-58 - This FYI is Cancelled By PG 1200-500.50
  New Resource on Medicaid Information
  Live Scan:  Full Disclosure Clearances
00-56 Statewide Registry for Probate Non-Related Legal Guardians
00-55 Name Changes for Children in Legal Guardianships
00-54 Mileage Rate Information
00-53 Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) and Filing Issue Reminders
00-52 2000 U. S. Savings Bond Campaign
00-51 Appellate Court Decisions Result in the Prohibition of 60-Day Trial Visits at Disposition or Status Review Hearings 

Provision of Health and Education Information to Out-of-Home Caregivers (Attachment will be made part of hard copy of FYI)   Cancelled By Procedural Guide 0080-505.20, dated 8/24/23

00-49 Voluntary Family Maintenace (VFM) & the Provision of Family Preservation Program Services
00-48 In Re Lucero L.
00-47 Release of Information upon the Death of a Child Pursuant to WIC 827
00-46 MacLaren Children's Center / Judicial Oversight
00-45 Updates to LAKids
00-44 New Procedures for Submitting Petitions prepared by Staff to Juvenile Court
00-42 Various Personnel Payroll Issues
00-39 Identification and Tracking of Dual Supervision DCFS-Probation Cases in CWS/CMS
00-38 Identification of Dependent Children with Concurrent Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court Involvement Cancelled By Procedural Guide 0300-509.00, dated 08/20/08
00-37 New Names for Allegation Types
00-36 Identifying and Tracking Family Preservation Cases
00-35 Therapeutic Behavioral Services - Update to FYI 00-17
00-34 New Health and Education Passport Binder
00-33 Back-to-School Clothing (BTSC) Allowance Schedule Dates
00-32 Children found with Biological Parents following the Termination of Parental Rights or Adoption
00-31 Donations to the Department of Children and Family Services (Attachment will be attached to the hard copy which will be distributed to staff soon)
00-30 Moving Payment of Payroll Deduction to the 20th of the Month
00-29 Mileage Reimbursement Rate
00-28 Phase Out: Extented Voluntary Placement
00-27 End-Dating a Placement Episode
00-26 Phone Survey of County Employees
00-25 JV-450, Order for Prisoner's Appearance at Hearing Affecting Prisoner's Parental Rights
00-24 Child Abduction Protocol - Family Code Section 3130     (Cancelled)
00-23 California State Department of Corrections Notification to DCFS
00-22 Updates to LAKids for March, 2000
00-21 Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-GAP) Program Clarifications
00-20 Out-of-State Group Home Placements on CWS/CMS
00-19 Updates to LAKids Intranet (revised 03/10/00)
00-18 Civil Rights Coordinator   Cancelled by FYI 07-08
00-17 Therapeutic Behavioral Services Update to FYI #99-74
00-16 Identifying and Providing Services for Fast Track to Permanency (FTP) Children
00-15 How to shop safely on-line
00-14 Identification of Voluntary Placement Cases
00-13 Value Options
00-12 Election of Second Members for LACERA Board of Investments and Board of Retirement
00-11 Updates to LAKids Intranet
00-10 In Re Julian L. - Notice Requirements for WIC 366.26 Hearings
00-09 Blanket Minute Order Re: Sharing of Information with Family Court Services
00-08 Revised SOC 369, Agency-Relative Guardianship Disclosure and Information Regarding the Independent Living Program (ILP) Service for Kin-GAP Children
00-07 Revision of Form DCFS 129
00-06 Child Safety Gates
00-05 Governor Signs Legislation - 1999 Year End
00-04 AB 109 Sick Leave
00-03 Surrogate Parents Re:  Educational Decisions   (Cancelled)
00-02 Certifying a Home Pending Licensure
00-01 Interim Procedures for Closing Kin-GAP Cases on CWS/CMS

99-80 Implementation of Live-Scan
99-79 Adoptions by Unmarried Couples
99-78 Notice Requirements for Status Review Hearings
99-77 Q and A Transition Plan
99-76 Time Frames for Submission of Court Reports
99-74 Therapeutic Behavioral Services
99-73 Contacting Collateral Contacts Cancelled by Procedural guide 0400-503.10 datted 12/21/09
99-72 Leave of Absence Process
99-70 Retirement Rate Changes
99-68 The Calabretta Decision and the Need for Search Warrants (Cancelled)
99-67 Hepatitis B Inoculations
99-66 Governor Signs New Legislation: SB 208 (Polanco): Child Abuse: Dependency Proceedings
99-65 Age Exception Waivers for Youths in Out-of-Home Placement
Name Change for the King/Drew Medical Center (KDMC) Children's HUB
99-64 Update on the DCFS Drug Testing Program
99-63 1999 Charitable Giving Campaign Update
99-62 WIC 366.26 Hearing Notice Requirements: Parent's Whereabouts are Unknown and the Parent has an Attorney
99-60 AB 1111 (Chapter 147, Statutes of 1999) Amendments to the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (KIN-GAP) Program
99-59 Important Information on Resources and Payment for Alcohol Testing
99-58 A Photo History for Children in Placement
99-57 Notifying Parents of a Child's Death
99-56 Transfer of Dispersed Generic Files and Dependency Investigation (DI) CSW Assignments
99-55 Status Review Reports for Children in Out-of-Home Care, 15 of the most Recent 22 months
99-54 Requesting Continuance of a WIC Section 366.26 Hearing when the recommendation is Adoption
99-52 Reminder of Departmental Contracting Policy (Note: This is a 40+ page document)
99-51 New DCFS 324 - Protective Services Subsidized Child Care Referral
99-50 IRS Table of Values for Life Insurance
CII2 - Children's Institute International (Follow up information)
99-48 Dual Supervision Cases
99-47 Mileage Reimbursement Rate
99-46 New Title for Marriage Family and Child Counselor (MFCC)
99-45 Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment (Kin-Gap) Program
99-44 New Director's name
99-43 Senate Bill (SB) 2030 Child Welfare Services Workload Study
99-42 Procedures for Borrowing from the Audio/Video Training Library
99-40 Alien Status - Public Charge
99-39 Reminder of Departmental E-mail Usage Policy
EITC - Earned Income Tax Credit
99-38 Children's Services Ombudsman will Assist Children in Group Homes
99-37 Prevention of Accidental Child Drownings
99-36 Licensing Supervision Pay Increase
99-35 U.S. Savings Bonds
99-34 Tips for CSWs on Testifying in Court
99-33 Unmarking Sensitive Adoptions related Siblings/Clients on CWS/CMS
99-32 Countywide Policy and Disciplinary Guidelines - Abuse of Telecommunications Equipment and Services
99-31 Acting Assignments
99-30 Merging of Duplicate Clients on CWS/CMS
99-29 Out-of-Home Placement Search Protocol
99-26 Social Security Administration Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence
99-25 Recommended Immunizations for Children Under the Age of Six
99-23 Grandma's House Kinship Supportive Services Program (KSSP)
99-21 Brochure: "We've Got You Covered" - A Los Angeles County Guide to Free and Low-Cost Health Care Services
99-20 Transitional Housing Placement Program
99-19 Tutoring Program
99-18 School Bus Transportation Fee
99-17 MTA College/Vocational/Student/Handicap Applications and Revised DCFS 63 - Service-Funded Activity Transportation Request and Receipt
99-16 Documenting CSW Contacts in Court Reports
99-15 Donations to the Department of Children and Family Services
99-14 Cross-Reporting to the Department of Justice (Cancelled)
CII - Children's Institute International
NISWA - Muslim Family & Children Services
99-13 Consolidation of two forms into a revised form DCFS 4360 - Revision of form DCFS 4316
99-12 Rev DCFS Forms Available to You as Templates for Computer Input
99-11 Search, Attach, Assign and Merge Specialists (SAAMS) Unit -
99-10 County Counsel Index of Services
99-09 Specialized Foster Care Schedule "D" (Cancelled)
99-08 Healthy Families
99-07 Reducing Duplication of Assessments in Case Plans and Court Reports

99-06 Cancelled by Procedural Guide 0070-548.07. dated 4/18/07
Assessment of Allegations on Children Born to Parents with Child Protective Service History

99-05 Definition of "Relative" for Payment and Placement Purposes
99-04 Legislative Update
99-03 Agreement on Fringe Benefits (2 year term -- 10/1/98 to 9/30/00)
99-02 Revised - Accrual of Compensatory Time Off Salaried Exempt Employees
99-01 California Benefits for Immigrants

1998 TOP

98-59 Recording a Replacement for Children in Out-of-Home Care Addressed in current policy
98-58 Integrating MacLaren Children's Center Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Assessment Center Treatment Plans with Case-Carrying CSW Activities - This FYI is Cancelled By PG 1200-500.50
98-57 MacLaren Children's Center and Child Welfare Services Case Management System (CWS/CMS) Obsolete/Outdated
98-45 (Rev) Case Transfers to Adoptions Division (Cancelled)
98-45 Case Transfers to Adoptions Division Obsolete/Outdated
98-33 Consideration Of Race, Color or National Origin in Making Placement Decisions Addressed in current policy
98-21 Medi-Cal Card Issuance for All Children in Out-of-Home Placements Addressed in current policy
98-12 Communication between CSWs when transferring a Case Cancelled by Procedural Guide 1000-504.10 (02/24/05)



97-34 Payroll Deduction Cancellation or Adjustment Procedures    Obsolete/Outdated
97-25 Child Abduction Multi-Disciplinary Team (Cancelled)
97-18 Allegation of Child Abuse/Neglect in Out-of-Home Care: Notification of the CSW     Addressed in current policy   
97-17 1997 Juvenile Court Blanket Minute Orders
97-16 Questioning the Health Care Provider About Abuse     Addressed in current policy   
97-15 Printing Minute Orders in the Local Office     Addressed in current policy   
97-14 E-Mail Postoffices for Los Angeles County    Obsolete/Outdated
97-13 DCFS 4366, Children's Services Case Transfer Check Sheet   Obsolete/Outdated
97-12 Enhanced Protection for Children Under the Age of Five Years   Addressed in current policy   
97.11 Amended Dependency Court Notification Time Frames    Addressed in current policy
97-10 Not released.
97-09 Not released.
97-08 Administration of Psychotropic/Antiseizure Medication to DCFS-Placed Children    Addressed in current policy
97-07 Not released.
97-06 Notifying Court of your Vacation or Regular Day Off     Obsolete/Outdated
97-05 Use of the DCFS 4160, Notice of Foster Care Replacement (Cancelled)
97-04 Submitting Vacation Schedule with Court Reports     Obsolete/Outdated
97-03 Orthodontia Services    Obsolete/Outdated
97-02 Positive Steps HIV/AIDS Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program   Obsolete/Outdated
97-01 Not released.


96-62 Dependent Children Appearing in Department 95
96-61 Big Sisters of Los Angeles Pals Program    Obsolete/Outdated
96-50 Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAS)
96-44 Newspaper Publication Services for Citations      Addressed in current policy
96-38 Disclosure of Placement Location     Obsolete/Outdated
96-37 Cross-Reporting of Child Abuse (Cancelled)
96-36 Unauthorized Release of Criminal Identification Investigation (CII) Clearance Results   Addressed in current policy
96-33 Vacancy Information Placement (VIP) Clearances    Obsolete/Outdated
96-32 Clarification of the Role of Regional Administration in Family Reunification for Children Age 0-59 Months   Obsolete/Outdated
96-30 Closed Case - Eligibility Segment    Obsolete/Outdated
96-18 Court of Appeals Decision: In re Dolly D.
96-08 Extension of Dependency Court Blanket Minute 0rders for Waiver of Confidentiality     Addressed in current policy
96-01 County Counsel's Notification of Continued Hearing to CSW     Addressed in current policy


95-81 Additional Requirements for Relative Placements         Addressed in current policy